Mark Miller

Mark Miller

Senior Storyteller, Co-founder of All Day DevOps

Mark Miller speaks and writes extensively on DevOps and Security, hosting panel discussions on tools and processes within the DevSecOps Software Supply Chain. He actively participates in the DevOps/DevSecOps communities by building DevOps tracks at security conferences such as RSA Conference, InfoSec Europe, CD Summit, AppSec USA and AppSec EU.

Mark is co-founder of All Day DevOps, the world’s largest DevOps conference and is the Senior Storyteller at Sonatype, where he manages the community initiatives for All Day DevOps, DevSecOps Days, the DevSecOps Days Podcast Series and is Editor-in-Chief of DevSecOps Days Press.

Abstract: Slouching Towards DevSecOps: Storytelling for Incremental Growth and Transformation

Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman said it best, “Numbers don’t make changes. Stories do. No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story.”

In this session, I talk about story structure, and what is needed when telling the DevSecOps story at your company. I’ll cover the most important story points to consider when “selling” your DevSecOps initiative internally, and then reference multiple experts in the field on how they led transformations at their companies. At the conclusion of the session, you’ll have a clearer picture of how to build your story, and how to use it as a launch pad for future DevSecOps initiatives.